10:00:00 AM

Establishment of Body Auto Fitting Model “BAFM” Using “NJGPM” At Toyota

by Prof. Hirohisa Sakai, Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd., Japan

10:40:00 AM

Space Robotics

by Prof. Timothy Sands, Cornell University, USA

11:20:00 AM

Smart Tomorrow

by Prof. Dr. Eduard Babulak, Liberty University, USA

12:00:00 PM

Innovative Learning Robotics Scenarios 3.0: Flipped homework

by Milena Krumova, European Institute for Technologies, Education and Digitalisation Sofia, Bulgaria

12:30:00 PM

Cognitive Explainable-AI (CXAI) is much superior for ML to any Neural Net-based algorithms or statistical models

by Bijan Tadayon, Z Advanced Computing, Inc. (ZAC), USA

01:00:00 PM

Lunch Break

by .

02:00:00 PM

Advanced Robot Learning and Control System Design and Implementation Using Deep Learning Techniques and Adaptive Sliding Mode Control

by Prof. Meysar Zeinali, Laurentian University, Canada

02:20:00 PM

A Faster R-CNN and Recurrent Neural Network Based Approach of Gait Recognition with and without Carried Objects

by Rajib Ghosh, National Institute of Technology, India

02:40:00 PM

Error Analysis of Flexible Multibody System Based on the Floating Frame of Reference Formulation

by Gengxiang Wang, Xi’an University of Architecture and Technology, China

03:00:00 PM

Deep-Learning Based Digital Pathological Assessment of Frozen Procurement Kidney Biopsies

by Zhang Weijia, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, USA.

03:20:00 PM

Efficient Acquisition of Geographic Big Data- Three-Line Array Stereo Aerial Photography System and Its Key Technologies

by Lina Zheng, Changchun Institute of Optics Fine Mechanics and Physics, China

03:40:00 PM

Why is Groebner Bases Theory A Computationally Efficient Method For Solving the Inverse Kinematics Problem of Anthropomorphic Robots?

by Sergio Ricardo Xavier da Silva, Bahia State University, Brazil.

04:00:00 PM

To be Updated

by Priya Persaud, Rutgers Law School, USA

04:20:00 PM

AI for Diagnosis of SSP Tear

by Zhenlong Liu, Peking University Third Hospital, China

04:40:00 PM

Intelligent Control of Robotized Transport Processes in Open Pit Mining

by Igor Temkin, National University of Science and Technology MISIS, Russian Federation

05:00:00 PM

Exploiting Dynamic Spatio-temporal Graph Convolutional Neural Networks for Citywide Traffic Flows Prediction

by Ahmad Ali, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China

09:30:00 AM

Resilient Distributed Robotics: The Concept and Issues

by WenJun Zhang, University of Saskatchewan, Canada

10:10:00 AM

Robot Occasion Cognition from Persons and Place

by Prof. Xinde Li, Southeast University, China

10:50:00 AM

Reinforcement Learning with Algorithms from Probabilistic Structure Estimation

by Djallel Bouneffouf, IBM Research Yorktown Heights, USA

11:10:00 AM

Research Progress of Domestic Surgical Robot ' Microhand S 

by Bo Yi, Central South University, China

11:40:00 AM

SMILE: A Verbal and Graphical User Interface Tool for Speech-Control of Soccer Robots in Ghana

by Patrick Fiati, Cape Coast Technical University, Ghana

12:10:00 PM

HGI-SLAM : A Novel Approach to Loop Closure

by Shuhul Mujoo, Evergreen Valley High School, USA

12:25:00 PM

Swarm Robot System Inspired by Bacterial Intelligence

by Hongwei Mo, Harbin Engineering University, China
